Core Java Training Course


Training & Certification

Core Java Training

Palium Skills offers the following Core Java training to individuals and corporates.

Course Outline:

A First Look

o  A Simple Java Class

o  Java's "Hello World" Program

•      Java Basics

o  Language and Platform Features

o  Program Life Cycle

o  The Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

•      Class and Object Basics

o  The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming

o  Classes, References, and Instantiation

o  Adding Data to a Class Definition

o  Adding Methods (Behavior)

•      More on Classes and Objects

o  Accessing data, the "this" variable

o  Encapsulation and Access Control, public and private Access

o  Constructors and Initialization

o  static Members of a Class

o  Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects

•      Flow of Control[briefly due to attendee experience]

o  Branching: if, if-else, switch

o  Iteration: while, do-while, for, break, continue

•      Strings and Arrays

o  String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder

o  Arrays, Primitive Arrays, Arrays of Reference Types

o  varargs

•      Packages

o  Package Overview - Using Packages to Organize Code

o  import statements

o  Creating Packages, package Statement, Required Directory Structure

o  Finding Classes, Packages and Classpath

•      Composition and Inheritance

o  Using Composition to Deal With Complexity

o  Composition/HAS-A, Delegation

o  Using Inheritance and Polymorphism to share commonality

o  IS-A, extends, Inheriting Features, Overriding Methods, Using Polymorphism

o  Class Object

o  Abstract Classes

•      Interfaces

o  Using Interfaces to Define Types

o  Interfaces and Abstract Classes

•      Exceptions

o  Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy

o  try and catch

o  Handling Exceptions

o  Program Flow with Exceptions

o  finally

•      JDBC

o  JDBC basics

o  JDBC Architecture

o  Using JDBC drivers &DriverManager

o  Class Connection and connecting to a database

o  Class Statement and executing SQL statements

o  Other statement types

o  Driver types

•      Java Collections and Generics

o  The Collections Framework and its API

o  Collections and Java Generics

o  Collection, Set, List, Map, Iterator

o  Autoboxing

o  Collections of Object (non-generic)

o  Using ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap

o  for-each Loop

o  Processing Items With an Iterator

o  More About Generics

•      Additional Java Features

o  Assertions

o  Type-safe Enums

o  Annotations

o  Additional Features in Java 6 and Java 7

•      Conclusion